Ostomy Survey
Ostomy 101 Patient Survey Results
Over 200 responses from individuals across the United States
Ostomy Patient Survey Insights
Average hospital length of stay for ostomy patients
Follow-up care trends: 90-day medical care and home health support
Frequency of emergency department visits
Availability of ostomy education and support
Impact on emotional and psychosocial wellbeing
Accessibility and affordability of ostomy products
Key challenges faced by ostomates in daily life
How users discover Ostomy 101 and the features they find most valuable
Survey Results
This survey is ongoing, but the results below reflect 149 responses collected between
Aug 1, 2024, and October 5, 2024.
1. How did you hear about Ostomy 101?
22% Internet search
22% Social Media
17% From my medical professional
14% Email newsletter
12% From a friend
11% From a conference
2% Other
This data point highlights Ostomy 101's comprehensive and multifaceted approach to connecting patients and clinicians with essential resources, information, and support.
2. Where are you in your ostomy journey?
51% I had my surgery 4+ years ago
32% I had my ostomy surgery 1-3 years ago
17% I had my surgery less than 1 year ago
>1% Other (considering ostomy surgery, family member, caregiver)
3. Which best describes you
49% I have an ileostomy
38% I have a colostomy
10% I have a urostomy
3% I have a double ostomy
>1% Other (considering ostomy surgery, family member, caregiver)
4. Age Group
51% Over 65 years
26% 65-55 years
8%. 46-55 years
7% 36-45 years
5% 21-35 years
3% 20 years or under
5. Did you receive adequate training before you left the hospital on how to apply and empty your ostomy pouch?
63% Yes
36% No
1% Not applicable (N/A)
6. Before you left the hospital, did you receive information or resources for living everyday life with your ostomy (for example, bathing, sleeping, diet, leaving the house, finding support)?
61% No
38% Yes
<1% N/A
7. How many days were you in the hospital for ostomy surgery?
50% More than 7 days
29% 3-4 days
15% 5-7 days
5% 1-2 days
<1% N/A
8. In the weeks immediately following ostomy surgery, how did you feel? (check all that apply)
56% Overwhelmed
50% Worried, afraid, anxious
31% Hopeless, sad, depressed
25% Alone, isolated
24% determined
23% Okay
14% Prepared
12% Confident
<1% N/A
9. If you received a visit from home health after ostomy surgery, was the nurse who visited knowledgeable and helpful in ostomy care?
40% Yes
33% Somewhat
26% No
10. Have you ever visited the emergency department for any ostomy-related issues?
55% No
45% Yes
11. Did you feel that your medical team (doctors, nurses, hospital staff) provided adequate support, information, follow-ups, or care during the 90 days following ostomy surgery?
42% Yes
34% Somewhat
24% No
<1% N/A
12. What have been your biggest challenges as an ostomy patient or caregiver? (check all that apply)
51% Leaks, skin irrigation
39% Hernia prevention &/or management
36% Lifestyle: returning to work/school, travel, wardrobe, exercise, hobbies
32% Social: leaving the house, meeting friends, resuming social activities
31% Products: finding ostomy products that work for me
29% Emotional: feelings of isolation, worry, anxiousness
20% Education: getting education about how to care for and manage my ostomy
18% Financial: the cost of ostomy supplies
15% Medical: getting medical help with my ostomy
Responses regarding challenges directly reflect Ostomy101.com's most visited pages.
13. What features of Ostomy 101 are most valuable to you? (check all that apply)
73% Having ostomy education, resources, and information in ONE PLACE!
48% Ostomy product information in one place + easy connection to manufacturers
41% Free samples of ostomy products from multiple manufacturers
33% Educational on-demand videos
30% Support: Easy access to nationwide support meetings and events
25% Nurse: Appointments are available with an ostomy nurse if I need it
25% New Patient Classes
13% Ostomy supply insurance information
7% Clinical Resources
>1% Other