Keys to Success.
Ostomy 101 Inc. makes finding information and resources for living successfully with an ostomy easy by putting everything in one central location.
Helpful Start
The first weeks following ostomy surgery can be overwhelming. Ostomy 101 New Patient Classes address the lifestyle questions and concerns of new patients and their caregivers.
You're Not Alone
Ostomy 101 Inc. connects patients and caregivers to nationwide support groups in 1-Click. Finding free patient resources has never been easier.
Patients Worldwide
Every ostomy patient deserves access to education, resources and support. Ostomy 101 Inc. is used in 50 countries and in 27 languages to empower patients, improve outcomes and support clinicians.
Used in 50 countries, in 27 languages.
70% of users were new Ostomates.
200+ US hospitals promote/utilize Ostomy 101 resources.
8,000+ Ostomy related medical professional subscribers/followers.
Launched a free, nonprofit, on-demand, WOC nurse-led video series for home health and skilled nurses.
Hosted 12 free virtual New Ostomy Patient Classes, co-led by WOC nurses and a trained patient with US, Canada, Mexico, and African attendees.
Hosts and promotes 300+ free ostomy educational/support events.